Sister Mary gave us a quick tour before arriving to her
office. We presented her with school
supplies, soccer balls, jump rope and yes, a Kenyan flag (insert
applause). Behind her hung a picture of
Fr Symon from his younger days as a priest.
He still returns here to check in on things, so I’m sure he knows it’s
there. Sister Mary said he’ll be back in
November, so I want to make sure we meet with him before then. We said our goodbyes mixed with apologies for
the brevity of the stop. She was fine
with it and on we went.
Next up was Barclay’s Bank so that I could withdraw some
money to pay Isaac for the accomodations on the mara and for the use of OD’s
car. Once that was done we moved on to a
store for sukas (pronounced shoo-kahs).
These are the bright colored wraps that the masai are famous for. You can find them anywhere for upwards of 4,000
($40), but we can get the same ones here for less than 500 (yep, that’s $5). We picked out several as gifts and got back
in the car.
Next on the list were some items for Kevin and Nick (Karen’s
boyfriend). I won’t tell you what they
are because I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but it was a somewhat similar
scenario. Isaac pulled the car over and
hopped out. This time we waited in the
car. No more than 5 minutes later he
returned with 2 beautiful, well-made ________________. I think they’ll be very happy with them.
At one point on the climb there was a pack of baboons along the road.
We stopped halfway up the incline to take a quick picture of
the valley, then back in the car and on the way to Nairobi. It was once again dark as we entered the city
and headed toward Karen. We arrived at
the Royale Karen Hotel around 7:30. We
talked about dinner en route and Isaac called ahead. We brought our bags in and met in the
restaurant. Soon after, the food
arrived. We ate quickly and Andrea and
Karen went to bed first. I stayed behind
with Isaac and talked about the week, and life.
We had an enjoyable day ahead of us, and there wouldn’t be an early
start time. 9am was agreed upon and we
both headed for our rooms.
Andrea and Karen were in one room, and I was next door. There wasn’t enough room for all of us AND
our luggage in one room. It also gave me
the opportunity to pack most of the items we bought. It’s easier if I do it because I’m used to
it. When I finally finished it was
12:30am and I climbed into bed with the intent of blogging. No such luck.
I left my computer in Isaac’s car.
I was typing as we drove and put in inside it’s black case on the
floor. The perfect camouflage. I texted Isaac saying, “Let me know when you
wake up. I left my computer in your
van.” 5 minutes later I got a
phone. “Adam, I have your laptop. I am coming.”
Seriously, I don’t think he sleeps.
At the very least, he’s super-human.
I managed to write for a bit, but more importantly, I downloaded the
pictures needed first, while I wrote in another program. Thank you “cut and paste.” I fell asleep with the laptop on my legs.
We walked through the small gift shop they
had and purchased a couple of unique soapstone bowls with giraffes carved in
them. We then stopped at a curio shop
that I had never been in before. The
place was big and packed to the gills. I
could have spent all day in there looking at things. We grabbed a bag and starting dropping items
inside. Before long it was filled and we
placed it on a table and waited for the owner to let me know what he wanted to
charge me. We didn’t get past the first
item before I said, “Ah, Ah. Tosha. I am done.”
He pleaded with me to wait until he was finished with all of the
items. We continued to add things as he
did his math. He may as well have been
picking numbers as if he were playing lotto.
There was no rhyme or reason for
them, and the only thing they had in common was that they were ridiculously
high. When all was said and done, I
threw out the two most expensive items, and he still wanted a crazy
amount. By the time we were done I got
everything for ¼ of what he wanted (including the two items I discarded at the
beginning). They asked if I could raise
the price a little and I laughed, patted the store manager on the belly and
said, “Nobody here is missing a meal, we need to settle on the price.” All the employees laughed and tried to pull
in their bellies. Too late. I made my point. We put everything in the back of the van and
moved on.
We then stopped at the Hub for lunch. It’s a local mall with some wonderful shops
and restaurants. It’s what you’d expect
in one of the most affluent cities near Nairobi. We ate at a place called Zuccini’s. It reminded us of whole foods. It was full of fresh fruits and
vegetables. We sat and ate sandwiches as
we talked about the giraffe center… and the baboon from the day before.
We all showered and headed out for dinner. On the way, we stopped at a crocodile park where we held a small croc and a big turtle... then a not so big turtle. It was actually pretty interesting. We then continued on to the ArtCafe for dinner. The meals were good, but the company and
conversation was better. Isaac kept
saying how grateful he was to be able to spend so much time with us. The feeling is mutual. We ran into the adjacent Nakumat and found a
baggage scale. It will come in handy
when we get to Boston. We’ll change
airlines and balance out the weight in the bags to avoid paying additional
The first 15 minutes of the ride was like driving through a
ghost town. I think I only saw 5
cars. Then we turned off onto th main
road heading to the airport and it was bumper to bumper. 5 lanes wide.
Motorcycles rode along the dashed lines between the vehicles. Lorries and buses changed lanes with little
warning. I don’t know how we didn’t get hit.
Isaac pointed out all the dents in the buses from that very scenario. I’m happy to say we arrived unscathed. One last hug from Isaac and we disappeared
into the airport. Now begins our journey
home. We’re missing Katie and Kevin and
look forward to having everyone together again.
See you soon.
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