Andrea, Karen, Sergio and I don’t leave until 11:59pm tonight. Sam leaves at 8pm. We got up early to make sure that we had
plenty of time to do some shopping before we freshen up at the Royale in Karen
– that means a 7am departure. As always,
that’s the plan.
We left at 8am.
First stop was the Sekenani Gate. Immediate recognition – Nalatuesha! Mama Maria was the first to approach, and
three or four women trailed close behind. Each of them was smiling and waving
hello as they came forward for a hug. It
was nice to see Maria one more time before heading out. She was the one who came and sat at Andrea’s
side during the meeting. She is a
calming presence among these women and the same followed through to Andrea. We snapped a couple quick photos of them
before turning our cameras to Karen and John.
John was the young Masai that offered 25 cows for Karen. He had dimples like Karen, as well as a wide
smile, but it’s just not happenin’.
Karen and Sam clowned around with him for awhile before Karen gave up
her St. Bonaventure baseball cap. I’ll
be sure to check if he’s still wearing it when I return in the spring.
We all headed back to the car and Maria was still wearing
her smile as we pulled away. We were in
a different vehicle this time, with a different driver. Paul was behind the wheel of the big Land Cruiser. This vehicle will certainly handle the bumps
much better than our first foray down the Mara Road. Having an extra body in the car, however, did
not help with the luggage space… though we managed. Karibu Kenya.
The ride down the Mara Road was like driving on the Audobon compared to the
trip when we arrived. Paul was quite
adept at navigating the larger potholes, and the grooves in the road that
loosened your teeth on the way in were virtually nonexistent. There was one pit stop along the way. It was at the only curios along the Mara
Road, and it was a nice one. They had
some beautiful pieces that I wanted to buy while everyone used the
restroom. I finally got them to agree on
a price, so I went out to the car to get some cash. When I returned to the store, the price had
tripled. I simply turned and walked out
making sure that the shop owners could see the cash in my hands as I took
larger strides toward the vehicle.
Before I closed the door, they were both next to me with yet another
price. They had come down a bit (not
enough to consider), but remained nowhere near the agreed upon price prior to
the baitand-switch. I said, “Ah ah,
Tokeni!” as Paul started the car. “No,
Move!” They did.

Back to the road, back to the Rift Valley. Although quarters inside the vehicle were
tight, just about everyone had fallen asleep again. I was gazing out the window as we came upon
one of the larger towns we drive through.
This town holds one of our usual “stopping points.” It’s a restaurant that has nice bathrooms and
reliable food. Paul turned to Isaac who
then turned to me and said, “Should we stop?”
The head turns continued as I looked back at everyone. With the exception of Sam, everyone was out
cold, sleeping on a mixture of travel pillows and suitcases. Sam glanced back at me. I said, “We stop now, or travel another 45
minutes to the next restaurant/bathroom.”
She looked at Karen and Andrea and said, “Let’s let them sleep.” We got about 100 yards past the restaurant
when everyone, as if on cue, opened their eyes and began to stretch. Seat backs and more suitcases made it someone
difficult, but they all managed. I
quickly told them what the options were,
and normally the bathroom was ranked higher than a meal. This time, though, they said, “Keep
going.” By then we had come to a T in
the road and it was bustling with people selling their wares. We made our left and headed toward the climb
up along the Rift Valley.
I’ve made this journey many times and I have never seen
someone so adept at navigating this road as Paul - who Andrea has grown to call
Mufasa – which he likes. The name suits
him. Broad shouldered, barrel chested
and wide smile. The earth moves a little
when he laughs out loud. Behind the
wheel, he was brilliant. Climbing this
mountain in a single lane with the oncoming traffic stacked up like cars
waiting for the train to pass can be harrowing.
The average speed is probably 25mph, but it seems much more when you
have a lorry carrying a shipping container coming at you. Those trucks can’t go as fast, so the ones
climbing the hill are averaging 15mph and the ones coming down are trying to
maintain 15mph. There are no areas to
pull off if your brakes fail - no shoulder to speak of, either. He, quite safely, weeved in and out of traffic
shaving at least 30 minutes off what turned out to be almost a 3 ½ hour drive. The curved sections of road were the most
daunting. Curve to the right and you
could see the traffic coming, but turns to the left were completely blind. We watched several vehicles force their way
back into their single lane as trucks were bearing down on them. It’s like a slow motion, 10 second game of
chicken. Except the little guy always
loses and retreats back into the lane they came from. Inches often separated the loser from the
winner, but everyone we saw left without a scratch.

Just before the goat arrived, in walked another moster of a
man, although he was much younger than Mufasa.
He looked to be of middle-Eastern decent and walked in as though he was
expecting to see people he knew. He
abruptly stopped, removed his glasses, and in perfect English said, “Are you
guys the Patriots fans?” We erupted in
cheers as he extended a greeting and informed us he was in Kenya visiting his
family but now lives in Boston. It was a
brief stop, but a very welcomed one. He
departed saying, “Go Brady!” Again, met
with cheers.
Then came the goat.
The first one was delicious – rib cage and all. The second round (yes, there was a second
round… and don’t judge me) was even better.
“This meat is softer,” Paul said as he passed the plate toward us. Fun fact:
In Kenya, “Soft” = “tender.” This
was, without a doubt, the best goat I have ever had. It was absolutely delicious… and the girls weren’t having any of it. I don’t say that as if it were a command,
they chose not to try it. It would
probably make more sense to say, “they have tried goat in its various forms and
have not come across one that they liked so they have suspended all goat
tasting.” No matter, more for Sergio and
We returned to the vehicle and returned to the road headed
for Karen (the town, not the daughter).
We stopped at our new, favorite gift shop where the same faces met
us. “Love Birds Gift Shop and
Curio.” The name says it all. They gave us bags to place items in, then
sent us on our way to browse. Sam,
Sergio, Karen and Andrea each had bags.
Andrea and I finished first, then Sergio, then Karen and last, Sam. Trying to dicker over all the items would
have been impossible, so we broke it into 4 transactions. We didn’t have a lot of time so I tried to
speed things along. I finished up with
Sergio and left him to haggle over a couple hundred Kenyan shillings. Next I did Andrea and mine – easy peasy. Then came Karen. Not bad, but they were starting to wear me
down and I was getting tired of hearing the same responses from the previous
two sales. “The carvers are on
strike.” “Please give me something.”
“Okay, okay, name your price.” They were
like a broken record and we needed to get to Sam to the airport. After several departures, and begging to
return to the shop, we finally agreed on a price. Things were quickly bagged and we were on our
way. While I was haggling, the rest of
the crew sat outside with water or soda and planned out the remainder of the
day. Sadly, there would not be enough
time for the giraffe park. We decided to
head to the Royale Hotel in Karen and Paul and Isaac would take Sam to the
airport. We waited in the vestibule for
them to return. It was much longer than
we expected, but when they did we quickly went to our rooms and freshened
up. We had an opportunity to nap, but
nobody took it. At least Karen, Andrea
and I didn’t take it… not sure about Sergio as he was in the next room. We were busy shuffling the itmes in our bags
to include the things we bought at the curio (along with some of Sam’s things
as she ran out of space). We got it all
in, then showered and headed back to the front of the hotel as we waited for
Isaac and Paul to return. Once back, we
loaded up the truck and headed out for
dinner at a local mall restaurant. It
was next to a place called “Javas” which is a local chain… there’s even one
inside the Nairobi Airport. I can’t seem
to recall the name of this one, but the food is always good. We sat down and ordered and Isaac and I went
to a nearby ATM to sort out some last minute bills. I had to pay for the vehicles we had been
using, as well as a few other items. The
food came shortly after we returned and the next thing we knew, we were headed
for the airport. It’s been a whirlwind
trip – short, but we accomplished a lot.
We said our goodbyes to Isaac and Paul and waved as we entered the
screening area. Although we’re always
sad to leave, we’re ready to go home and
anxious to get back now that the last journey has begun. Nairobi, Amsterdam, JFK, Rochester.
Traveling was going well for everyone. We sat and had a coffee/chai at Starbucks in the Schlipol Airport while we waited for our next flight. Exhaustion had already begun creeping up on everyone, as did the excitement to be back in our own beds… and eating anything except goat. The flight boarded uneventfully and we were on our way to the states. We separated from Sergio at immigration and quickly made it through to baggage. We got our bags and moved quickly through the airport to get to our domestic flight. It’s amazing how much faster you can get through customs & immigration. Those kiosks are wonderful!
Traveling was going well for everyone. We sat and had a coffee/chai at Starbucks in the Schlipol Airport while we waited for our next flight. Exhaustion had already begun creeping up on everyone, as did the excitement to be back in our own beds… and eating anything except goat. The flight boarded uneventfully and we were on our way to the states. We separated from Sergio at immigration and quickly made it through to baggage. We got our bags and moved quickly through the airport to get to our domestic flight. It’s amazing how much faster you can get through customs & immigration. Those kiosks are wonderful!
We sat and had a coffee/chai at Starbucks in the Schlipol Airport while we waited for our next flight.
The bags were already tagged through so all we had to do was
drop them at the appropriately marked, “BAG DROP AREA.” Then through security one more time and the
waiting began. We waited longer than we
wanted to but we had no choice. Flight
delays. We knew we were in trouble when
we weren’t called to board 30 minutes before the flight. I quick peak outside showed us why – no
plane. That’s kind of important. Karen fell asleep and I was incredibly
punchy. Sergio had his nose in his
phone. Andrea was holding strong. Don’t know how she does it. She held Karen’s head in her lap and waited
patiently for the plane to arrive. I
went up to see how much longer. The
Delta rep was incredibly helpful. “It
won’t be long. The plane is in
range.” I’d have felt better if he
wasn’t spinning around in his seat as we talked. I expect that from a 6 year old seated at a
bar (yes, unusual scenario but you get my point), not from an adult customer
service rep. “Very informative,” was the
only thing I could muster as I walked away.
It would seem that “within range” means “about 20 minutes.” You know, like “a few” means “3.”
We finally boarded and I’m pretty sure I was asleep before
the door closed. Andrea updated me when
I woke up as we landed. “Yes,” she said,
“you were snoring.” I didn’t care a
bit. Still exhausted, we texted Kevin
who was already here in Rochester waiting.
As we passed through the exit, there he was. There’s something about seeing a loved one
when you come off a trip. It’s
especially nice when they greet you inside the airport. I could have cried. He hugged his mom first, then Karen. He gave a firm handshake to Sergio before I
was able to drop my bag and give him hug.
We then ventured downstairs and waited for our bags before stepping out
into the cold night air. It felt
wonderful! Thankfully, he drove home.
We’ve been back for quite some time, and I’m sorry that it’s
taken so long to post the last day. I
know that you’ve grown accustomed to me typing these daily. Frankly, so have I. I’ll blame it on age and my ability to deal
with fatigue. I will continue to try to
improve on the timeliness of these posts, as well as posting things that we
learn about the ever growing list of projects and friends that we meet along the
way. TTFN. Tata for now. Happy New Year, everyone!