I'm posting the last couple days at the same time. A similar opening is posted for Thursday's story. We're all on our Emirates flight en route to JFK... somewhere over the Atlantic. As we've said all along, thank you for you thoughts, prayers, and continued support. I'm sure that phone calls will be made once we're through customs and back on US soil, officially. I wanted everyone to know we are safe... thought that was more important than posting pictures. The internet speeds are slow on the plane, so I'll be posting pictures from JFK. And yes, I know how pathetic it sounds that I'm disappointed that the internet, although available, is slow. I'm on a plane over the middle of the Atlantic - it's amazing that we even have access to the internet! Please continue reading, and thank you for doing so...
We started the day early.
Breakfast at 7, on the road by 7:30.
Everyone looked forward to a hot shower with clean (or at the very least
“cleaner”) water. No such luck in our
tent. It lasted for about 10 minutes
before reverting back to ice cold. The
water in Maseno was warmer! We got through
it. This was exactly the same scenario
we encountered the last time here last year.
Andrea and I were the last to arrive at around 7:20. I guess we were off on the schedule. Breakfast was now at 7:20, and we left at
8. Karibu Kenya. Things are just run at a slower pace here, so
you really need to stay on top of things.
When I say “here,” I don’t mean Entumoto, I mean Kenya.

As we drove, the air was cool. Wildebeests were everywhere, as far as the
eye could see. The dotted the landscape
in every direction. Zebras and gazelles
were mixed into the crowds. Isaac talked
as we drove. The wildebeests and zebra
are the only animals that migrate, and the latter follows the former. You see these single file lines that actually
wear down a path into the ground where the grass used to be.

After seeing everything imaginable, we stopped for lunch in the middle of the park. We ate as wildebeest and zebras walked by, paying us no mind. You could see a string of 12 giraffes walking (also single file) in the distance.
Although the grass looks ridiculously dry, it’s actually quite the opposite. The wildebeest are Kenya’s lawnmowers. You can see where they’ve been because the grass goes from being 3 feet high, to being 6 inches high. Then the zebras come by and eat the rest. It’s a pretty efficient system. The rains are not heavy, but they’re consistent and new shoots of grass pop up quickly. The animals have enough sense to follow the rain. Isaac says that’s about the only common sense the wildebeest have. “God gave them all the leftovers. Mane of a lion, legs like a horse, horns like a cape buffalo, body of a gazelle… but no brains.” The sound they make is like a muffled “No” from somebody that’s been smoking since they were 12. “No. No. No.” comes from the herds all day long. Isaac fills in questions between the “No’s.”
“Seen any lions?” No.
“Seen any cheetahs?”
“Seen any crocodile?”
“Do you want to be the first to jump down and cross the
river?” No.
We then moved further down the river tone of the 4 or spots that the wildebeest cross. We waited 200 yards away so that the engines
wouldn’t spook them. When we left
Rochester, Andrea was saying, “The only thing I really want to see is an
crocodile eating a wildebeest.” Most
people protested, commenting on the brutality of it, but she said, “When we get
there, you won’t feel the same way.” She
would soon be proved right.

The wildebeast slowly arrived in several single file lines
and then stopped at the edge of the embankment.
Their numbers grew exponentially.
The alpha males would be running across the front of the gathering, but
other than that, there was little activity as more and more continued to
arrive. A younger one emerged from the
crowd, and we all thought it was time. No.
They moved closer to the edge, but never committed. Then they started to spread out across the
edge, while the occupants (including me) were using all the telekinesis we
could muster to push those wildebeest over the edge. It’s clear that today they weren’t as dumb as
we’d hoped. While they normally make the journey across one or two at a time,
now they looked as though they were going to come down in a wave. We had to move the car because they were
coming towards our vantage point which happened to be another of the crossing
points. The rain started coming, and unfortunately
the alphas turned around and started back toward the mara and away from
Tanzania and the Serengeti. Like
Lemmings, they all followed. Nuts. We were hoping to see the more brutal side of
tumultuous side of this area’s great circle of life. Not today.
We then headed back to camp.
We were clear on the other side of the mara, so we drove for so long
that Isaac stopped the vehicle to give everyone the opportunity to get out and
stretch their legs, and grab a drink if they chose.

I know I’m missing info and things that we saw, but I took so many pictures that I’ll let them do the talking for me.
I know I’m missing info and things that we saw, but I took so many pictures that I’ll let them do the talking for me.
We leave for Nairobi tomorrow… ½ of us are going on a game
drive at 7:30am, the other half will be having breakfast at 9am and then
heading directly to Keekorok “airport” to meet up with the those that got up
It was barbecue night in the dining room and it was fabulous. Chicken, beef and lamb with mixed vegetables. yum.

It was barbecue night in the dining room and it was fabulous. Chicken, beef and lamb with mixed vegetables. yum.
See you tomorrow.