Waking up at 4am was terrible.
The balloon ride was awesome!
We woke up early (thank you captain obvious)
and as we walked to the land rover, we heard noise coming from the forest and
our driver, Steven, jumped backward.
Masai walking with us did not.
They are
like firemen, they ran
toward the 5
ton elephant that came through the trees.
Two others stood guard next to Andrea and Karen.
The elephant was about 40 feet away… I didn’t
stick around to measure.
The warriors
“pushed” the elephant back and told us it was okay to drive on.
We did.

Did I mention that the balloon ride was awesome?
Well, it was.
I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
Our pilot was French and joked with us the
entire time.
When I say “us,” I mean the
15 people in the basket.
Yes, it was a
big basket with 4 compartments each able to hold 4 people comfortably.
We started with the basket on it’s side.
We climbed in and sat down as if we were in a
rocket ship about to take off.
generator then blew hot air into the balloon until it rose into the sky.
Eventually, our heads rose from the grass and
we were in a seated position waiting to ascend, and ascend we did.
We never went as high as I thought.
I don’t think we were ever more than 60’ off
the ground.
It gave us a great
opportunity to see the migration.
We saw
a small fraction of the 1.5 million wildebeest and 500,000 zebra.
The zebra would quietly munch on the high
grass while the more numerous wildebeest grunted and mumbled.
As the propane was opened and the flame burst
high, the sound caused them all to scatter.
I imagine their not used to noises coming from above them.
If there are noises coming from above,
they’re probably vultures, and by then it’s too late to be worried. When we landed, we got back into the vehicles that brought us in the morning. They then took us to breakfast - a feast set up in the middle of the Mara. It was breathtaking, and gave us a chance to chat with our fellow riders. After breakfast, we were then shuttled over to Isaac who was waiting patiently in his Land Rover.

Isaac is a wonderful guide.
We laughed and joked as we drove throughout the reserve.
We took some great pictures of the animals we
We stopped and had lunch under a shade tree. I packed a couple of bottles of my favorite hometown beers from Fairport Brewing; a Peter J IPA and Raider Red Ale. Isaac had them refrigerated the night before and brought them in a cooler for this special occasion. the next time I have one of these, I'll be back in Fairport at the brewpub with my friends John and Jim, telling stories and laughing at ourselves. We finished and returned to searching for animals. We saw the wildebeest crossing the Mara River into Tanzania, and although crocodiles were close, nobody got snatched. As Isaac was telling us how wildebeest are dumb animals, they were kind enough to show us how dumb. They crossed the river in a long line and climbed the bank on the opposite side. The animal leading the charge made a right turn and looped a round a patch of land and rand down the same embankment they just ran up. The turnaround was so quick that he was passing his friends traveling in the other direction. Apparently they're like lemmings. Ultimately, the majority of them ended up right where they started. We watched a croc slowly meander through the water toward the crossing animals. Although the zebras also migrate, they didn't join in this crossing. When asked why, Isaac simply said, "They ah smaht." True dat. Before long, we were taking pictures of Karen
driving the Land Cruiser.
The girl never
drove a stick before but she can now; provided the driver seat’s on the right
side, the gears are left handed, and your on a dirt road with nobody near
I think we’re all safe.
It was a great experience.

At the end of the day we returned to the Maternity Center
where the Masai wanted to have a meeting with us.
Construction continued after we left the day
before, and they were already to the lintel.
We took some pictures as we walked behind the clinic to the meeting
We rounded the corner and Andrea
gasped. “Beautiful!” she exclaimed.
small courtyard held chairs and benches to accommodate everyone.
The majority of those in attendance were
sitting on the benches already, and they were all Masai women dressed in their
typically ornate fashion.
Andrea was
right, they were beautiful.
The tribal
elder arrived, followed by the area chief.
The men were outnumbered, but that’s okay.
This is about the ladies, after all.

Opening remarks were made by the chief, then Isaac
The chief translated everything
to English for us.
Next was my
Although I had a similar meeting
last year, there were many new faces in attendance so I started with the same
story I told last year.
The men her have
absolutely nothing to do with childbirth.
They aren’t around until
the baby is born (and cleaned up).
cringe and shake their head’s in disagreement when we talk about our
participation in the states.
Here’s the
Reader’s Digest version of what I said.
“I was in the room for the deliver, but I also cut the chord.”
I’m not sure who was repulsed more, the men
or the women.
Many put their head in
their hands and laughed. Others stayed transfixed on my words.
“Maybe one day,” I said.
The men shook their heads violently, and the
women laughed.
I went on to explain
that we were just the faces of 1000s of people back in the US that support our
They cheered as the chief
translated English to Ma’a.
I closed by
saying, “We will be back.”
The village
elder spoke next.
He, much like the
chief and Isaac thanked us profusely for the help.
Andrea, although initially declining the
opportunity to speak, changed her mind and stood before the group.
She’s not comfortable in that kind of a
setting. She thanked everyone for the warm welcome and the kindness they all
showed us.
She did great.

Next came the women’s turn to speak.
The leader of the group was named Mama
Our eyes met earlier and she
smiled to say she remembered me.
My eyes
replied in the same fashion and we both laughed and clapped our hands together.
She spoke eloquently, again thanking us for
the help.
Suprisingly, her comments included
saying that, “one day, maybe men will join us in delivery.”
The men were not so quick to shake their
heads this time.
They just stood
Andrea, Karen and I cheered.
Before she concluded, she
called me up to present me with a Masai Club.
This was a huge honor, but it was about to get better.
Andrea and Karen were then asked to come
forward, and they were presented with Masai necklaces.
I actually watch two women make them behind
the benches as the meeting was going on.
She then gave us Masai names.
am now to be called Lemaiyan (meaning blessed).
Karen is Namunyak (meaning “humble” and “last born”).
They’ve been going through a long drought,
and it rained when we arrived.
As the
meeting continued, the rain clouds were gathering again.
The name they gave Andrea was Nalotuasha
(meaning “bringer of the rain”).
At 9pm
we would learn that Nalotuasha has yet to have complete control over her
powers, but we’ll get to that later.
Everyone cheered and clapped before the chief made some closing
Hugs, smiles and pictures ended
the meeting.
We jumped back into the
vehicle and headed back to the camp.
Again, we lost sight of the animals and talked only about the meeting
with joy and love in our hearts.

It was getting late so we rapidly packed our bags and loaded
back into the van for the ride home.
Of course we had to stop en route so Karen and Isaac could clown around. She makes us all laugh, and this was no exception. We took a different route through the conservancy which was much less bumpy. Animals flit about as we drove to the main road. The
first 20 miles was a constant rumble strip with Isaac weaving back and forth
finding the shortest moguls possible.
Then came the rain.
The rain didn’t care that it
was dark.
It came down in buckets and as
we came upon the marram road, it was like driving through pudding.
Pudding that was 12” deep.
We weren’t driving a 4x4, but we wished we
There wasn’t much traffic, but
those that were on the road slipped and slid past us as we travelled UP the
We got stuck many times.
Many is more than several, and I’ve got the
mud on my boots to prove it.
It was the
equivalent of driving in a foot of snow.
The amazing this was that not one car passed us without stopping and
helping us get unstuck.
I was outside with
perfect strangers intermittently throughout the next 3 hours as we tried to
reach the asphalt road that never seemed to get closer.
Karen and Andrea remained silent the entire
Sometimes it’s best not to say
I know that it was scary for
I was to dumb to realize it should
have been scary for me.
At one point, I walked
past Isaac to see how far we could get on the new road being constructed before
we had to return to the muck.
I went
ahead about 100 yards before turning around.
When we got into the car, Andrea said, “Are there any animals out
“Oh, shoo-ah.
They have lions hee-ya.”
I told him that would have been good to know
It was the first time I heard laughter
in a long while.
Ultimately, the normal
2 hour ride took us 6.
We were back in
Narok at 1am.
I showered the mud out of
my hair and ears and face etc., and threw away my pants and shirt.
The mud was splattered all over me from the
spinning tires.
My shoes were a total
loss; so were the socks that were inside them.
I slept like a baby.
We all
When we woke up for breakfast the
next morning, you could clearly see every step I took the night before.
Instead of dropping bread crumbs I tracked
mud through the entrance, down the hall, up the stairs, and down the hall
The housekeeper got a great
No worries.
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