Holy mackerel! What a
day! It was action packed with many
funny stories and a lot of emotions.
Unfortunately, our official, unofficial camera man (Job) left with the
camera tonight so I don’t have any of his pictures. You’ll have to settle for just mine for now…
that means that they’ll be some entries that will have to wait for photos until
tomorrow. Pole sana (very sorry)
We left breakfast and headed immediately to the ATM to get some Kenyan shillings. I’m pretty sure I have enough, but I like to
play it safe… plus, you never know when the machine might eat your card, so
it’s always to aim a little high.
We started at the hospital in Kumbewa. This is where Hilda Aiyeko is stationed. She is the local Public Health Officer that
Jim and I consulted with when this project began, and continued until its
completion. It’s close to 45 minutes,
and we were a bit early, but she received us anyway. Kevin and I have visited her here before, and
she recognized him right away. She asked
about our family and filled us in on hers.
She is extremely busy; as indicated by the multiple stacks of paperwork
on her desks. Being as busy as she was,
it’s a big deal for her to accept us early.
We talked much longer than I was expecting – reminiscing on how we
started and how we managed to get to where we are now. She was very engaging and quite happy to be
part of the project. Frankly, it could
not have been completed without her. She
pushed the government when they needed to be pushed and was very helpful every
time we called. We continued to be ahead
of schedule when we left. Huma Girls
Secondary School was next.

They were arranging chairs in the clinic to accommodate a small group. The entire committee was not going to be present, which also meant that the meeting should be brief. The meeting started with 6 of us crammed into a small room. Amos arrived, and it forced us to move back outside where normally meet.

We carried all the chairs outside and started again. While John spoke, 2 more members arrived. Thankfully, one of them was Andrea’s friend Joyce. I was told she was around, but hadn’t seen her yet. She gave a wide smile to Kevin and I as she sat at the other and of the chairs. When John finished talking, Sammy (the lead doctor) took over and talked about what a wonderful facility it is, then followed it up with how to further meet the needs of the community (and still more on how to make their jobs easier). Ultimately, they need 2 laptops and a modem, as well as a refrigerator to store specific vaccinations. The other big “ask” was for a store. Not the kind of store you and I would normally think of, but a storage facility. They’re currently stacking all the medicines and non-medical supplies in the laboratory, and they’re almost out of room. Requests have been sent to the government, but those wheels turn very slowly. I released Sammy and John (the other doctor) so that I could talk to the clinic committee alone. Our contractor passed away and his son took over the business. This was toward the end of the project, but there are still items that are unfinished. We paid to have gutter on the facility, but it was only half done. There was a problem with the tiles in one room, and that need to be repaired. I spent the next 10 minutes talking totem about getting those jobs completed. It was their turn to release me - they asked me to leave so that they could talk among themselves.We headed back over to the secondary school where the modem works the best - it was time to Skype with Andrea and Karen! Woohoo! Before I snuck away, I had a quick conversation with Joyce, a dear friend who worked side by side with Andrea last year as they planted trees. The seemed like kindred spirits then, and they apparently still are. "Please tell mama Kevin that I say, 'Hello' and please come back to Kenya. I miss her." I miss her, too.
The last time we skyped them, we had Susan, Emma and Danton
with us. Job was there too. It was a lot of fun, so we thought we’d try
it again. The signal was great. Andrea had been awake for several hours but
Karen, had just woken up… “Oh, yeah, there’s a lot of people there,” was the
first thing I heard from her as she tried to check her hair. I don’t think the girls or Danton cared. As soon as their faces were up on the screen,
the smiles kept coming. They talked back
and forth for quite some time, although most of the responses on this side were
relegated to “yes” and giggles. By now a
larger crowd had formed behind us. They
were in between classes in a free period, so most of the students were looking
for something to do. Many of them found
their way to us. When they finished,
Kevin talked to Karen and his mom, then I had some time with them before
finally signing off.

Kevin had walked back to the car while I finished packing
things up rom the skype session. By the
time I got there, John (our driver, pictured below left) had informed me that he was now an
“honorable masai.” Apparently he and
John were talking and all he has to do is kill a lion. When I mention that Isaac was 13 when he was
curcumsized, he said it was a technicality.
Yes, I said 13… he also was not allowed to flinch or make a sound. Kids, don’t try that at home. Dear Lord, nobody should try that anywhere!
We laughed as we left the compound to go eat dinner. We had not had any lunch yet, so everyone was
ready for food. We went back into Kisumu
to Nakumat rather than waiting for 2 hours to have something made here at the
Peacock (the owner and the manager have assured me that they will work on
that). We went to Mon Ami in the same
plaza as the Nakumat. Kevin and I
ordered pizzas, Job got fish and John had stew.
After placing our orders, Job and I ran into Nakumat to get some more
minutes for our phone as well as a micro sim card. It was still another 20 minutes before our food arrived, but we
sat talking to pass the time.
It was dusk when we left the restaurant. Driving during the day can be pretty
daunting, but driving at night is absolutely horrifying. Many cars don’t have headlights, and the bicycles
certainly don’t. The people still run
across the street in front of you, tuc-tucs and piki-pikis are weaving in and
out of traffic. People are passing
whenever possible, and sometimes when it’s not.
I actually closed my eyes a couple of times, partly because I didn’t want
to see and partly because the dirt was killing me.
We made it back alive and Dedan (Peacock manager) quickly got us our keys. Kevin hit facebook and I finished packing. I got a lot done early this morning so it didn’t take long. Then I immediately went to writing. Dedan then brought the bill so that I could pay it now rather than early in the morning. Of course, we had to get a picture.
Now it’s 11:30 and I’m still waiting for pictures to upload. Hopefully I’ll be able to close my eyes at midnight. Please cross your fingers.
We’re driving to Nairobi tomorrow to meet up with Isaac in
Karen – I very affluent suburb. Don’t
worry, we won’t be near the city. It’s a
5-6 hour drive, so hopefully it’s all paved.
Sweet dreams.
Here are some additional pictures from today
Here are some additional pictures from today
Kevin and John Agugo

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