Good news! Sharon’s feeling much better this morning! That’s a relief to everyone. We could hear both of them giggling as they prepared for the day. Our rooms were diagonally situated across the hall, but the windows along the ceiling facing the hall meant that you could hear everything. Every room had them, and they were all open. There must not have been many people on the floor, though, because Sharon and Nasinkoi were the only two we could hear. Again, they were laughing and talking and despite not knowing exactly what they were saying to each other, it was clear that these girls were close friends.
The rooms were spacious and comfortable, although we really could have used a fan (like the one that Karen had in her room). She had a large floor stand model that she had trouble getting started, but eventually figured it out. We spent most of the night on top of the covers trying to stay cool. 6am arrived quickly, and it didn’t help that I was up blogging late the night before. I’ve got nobody to blame but myself. Andrea, Karen and I got downstairs where Isaac and Richard were waiting with Sue and Ryan. Each of them had coffee or tea in front of them with the sugar bowl always within Isaac’s reach. Kenyan’s like sugar. Isaac consumes sugar like a Kenyan taunting diabetes. The girls had not come down yet, so I went up and knocked on their door. In Kenya, most places have the equivalent of a skeleton key, and once you enter your room, you turn around and use the same key to lock it from the inside. I leave my key in the door after I lock it. Sharon and Nasinkoi did not. It took Nasinkoi awhile, but eventually she got the right angle with the right depth to release the bolt. She emerged with a smile and handed me the key. Sharon followed us down the stairs to the are where the rest of our party was seated. They sat and had tea while I stood and drank my coffee. Isaac stood next to me as we talked about the plan for the day. He suggested that he stay behind to ensure that everyone was comfortable. We hadn’t originally planned to be accompanied by these two young women, so space was tight (this was with us shipping bags ahead of us in another car). I notified the rest of the group of the change and as expected, everyone was fine with it. We hopped in the Land Rover and headed for Lake Nakuru.

We spotted more giraffe, hyenas, gazelle, cape buffalo, spring bucks and antelope as we exited the park, stopping periodically to take it all in. It was still cool as we drove, but not as cold as it was when we started. That only meant the goose bumps were not as noticeable as they once were. We made it back a little after 10 and had to work around the staff to grab our bags and exit the hotel. It didn’t take long before all the bags were downstairs and everyone was accounted for… time to get into the car for another long ride. This time, we’re en route to Isaac’s parents house. It’s always wonderful to see them. They are like family, and they feel the same about us.
We arrived much dirtier than we were when we left.

We arrived shortly after 1pm, and Isaac’s father was the first to appear. I stepped out of the car and started patting my shirt and pants, watching the dust fly off me as if I was slapping my hand into a pile of flour. I emerged from behind the auto to see a Isaac’s father smiling wide holding his hands out to me. He welcomed us over and over again and invited us inside to sit down. Isaac’s mom stepped out, but only just beyond the door. She’s still walking with crutches following her broken ankle. She and Andrea were quick to exchange stories when she noticed the cast on her arm.
After introducing Sue and Ryan, we exchanged greetings and updates on those family members that weren’t able to join us on the trip. We didn’t need to introduce Sharon and Nasinkoi, because they had already been here. Nasinkoi had something to say, and she said it. “Chai, hapa,” she said pointing to the ground. “Tea, here.” When Isaac brought the girls to Nakuru for their first semester at school, he stopped here and spent some time with Isaac’s parents. Both girls were all smiles as Isaac’s parents carried on a conversation with them. Isaac translated and we just watched with grins on our faces as they went back and forth - the exchange like watching a tennis match. The “grand slam” would come later.

When lunch finished, we gave them a wind chime as a gift and hung it just outside their front door. There was enough breeze that it worked like a charm. Mr. Kasura said, “This is the only house in Kisiriri with a bell like this!” He was elated! (Kisiriri is the town he lives in).

We didn’t have time for a tour of their land this time. It had grown late and we needed to get to Narok and check into the hotel. We went outside where Ryan and Sue broke out the sweets and small toys. A crowd of kids had massed outside before they started handing things out. We watched the smiles flow through the crowd like a wave. The children were patient and appreciative. A great combination. Time kept moving, however, so it was soon time to get going. He was the first one to greet us and the last to say, “Olaseri.” (Goodbye in Ma’a)
Richard had to do a K turn to get us facing the entrance/exit. He would have failed his driver’s test in the US. Even when he finally got it, the tires were slipping in the grass. He finally stopped and put the car into 4-wheel drive and climbed the hill and got back on the main road… yup, another dirt road.

We came back out to the car so we could all say our “goodbyes.” Nasinkoi and her mother still held a tight embrace as we pulled away in the direction of Isaac’s home. We stopped at Veronica’s home (she’s the Special Needs teacher at Masekonde Primary School). She was rather insistent about us stopping, and Isaac seemed uncomfortable with the visit. We soon learned why. As it turns out, she just wanted us to meet the parent of another one of her students, and began to talk about what a good candidate he would be for the Nakuru Special School. We weren’t there for more than 15 minutes before we started to say goodbye. I would later find out that she had this woman and her child come from a long way just to make this “connection” and sales pitch. We’re heading to Masekonde tomorrow, so I’ll be sure to have a conversation with her then.
Two minutes later we arrived at Isaac’s front door. We walked in with a bag holding gifts for Leah and the kids and sat on the chairs in their main room. Isaac’s plot of land continues to show ongoing work. He’s finished a fourth apartment and is about to start a fifth. He’s socking money away to pay for his children’s college education. It’s brilliant! He’s proud of what he’s done with good reason. He’s a good man.
We went back inside to join everyone. Karen opened each of the bags one by one starting with Tatiana, then Caleb and finally Leah. Karen got each of the kids smiling as she clowned with the items she pulled from the bags. Tatiana’s dresses got the most smiles from her. Caleb smiled with each item, and hid his face when she pulled out the boxer briefs and asked him to try them on… immediately! Leah was grateful for the gifts, too. She also smiled the entire time. We joked a bit more before we divided up into two groups. Half of us went with Richard, while the other half climbed into Isaac’s Land Rover. He was holding onto 6 of our bags while we traveled to Nakuru. Now those bags were in his car.
We made it to the Park Villa Hotel at about 7 (I think). Dabash (the hotel “manager” we always see) was waiting in the doorway as we pulled in. He gave us all a big smile and “welcome back,” then called for some young men to help us with our bags. I was grateful, because he put us on the third floor… and those bags are 60lbs apiece.
We dropped our bags and went back downstairs to head across the street for dinner.
This restaurant is a favorite of ours. They have the best roasted potatoes we’ve ever had. It’s something simple, but they’re phenomenal, and (with the exception of Leah’s), we have never found their equal. We place a drink order, then Isaac ran me back to the hotel so that I could retrieve a couple items from the bags we left in our room. When we got back, we laughed and shared stories like we always. When we get together, that’s what happens. I handed the items over to Leah, stating plainly that they were hers (and not Tatiana’s). The first was a box of these egg-shaped chocolate covered something-or-other that we know the kids love. The second was a gift that Andrea got for her. She knows that Leah loves ginger, so she brought a box of frosted ginger cookies. After the chicken, and the potatoes, and the kachumbare (a salad made of red onion and tomatoes), and the stewed spinach, we all had a cookie. It was a great closer. We all headed back to the Park Villa. Isaac and I stated behind with Richard while everyone else retired to their rooms. We had to “settle up” with Richard for the use of his vehicle/time. Suffice to say that we won’t be using him again. The price he charged was ridiculous, and it would have put Isaac in a very bad position. He knew it, too, and was saddened and embarrassed by it. This wasn’t his fault, and I made sure that he knew it. I didn’t want either of us to lose any more sleep than we already had, so I gave Isaac a hug and went to bed. Or so I thought.
Karen was about to hop in the shower so I helped her with the water heater – which worked too well. It heated the water to an absolutely intolerable temperature, so she was forced to regulate the temperature by turning it on and off. Ugh! That means that we would be doing the same then next morning. Now, however, it really is time for bed... it's 2:30am.
Here are some more pics that I couldn't fit in the body of the blog. Enjoy!
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