We arrived at the familiar Park Villa where I would be spending the next two days. Even though it’s only two consecutive nights, I’m glad that I won’t be packing and unpacking everyday.

I dropped my bags and got a 2 hour nap. It was needed. Isaac came back and picked me up and we went to get Leah and the kids to have dinner across the street. The Member's Club has the best roasted potatoes I’ve ever had. Think of of a small potato made like french-fries. They’re fabulous! Which reminds me, I forgot to tell you that I also had them with my breakfast at the Royale before we left. Isaac was kind enough to take a picture. Yes, those are chicken wings. They’re not just for lunch and dinner anymore. It was a nice little reminder of home, sans wing sauce. They were, however, quite tasty. I could have licked the plate, it was all delicious. OK, back to Narok.

One of the more lively exchanges happened when Caleb and Tati came back in. Isaac informed me that Caleb wanted to get circumcised before his other Masai friends. He was very convicted in his efforts to convince his father to let him, which made Isaac very proud. Despite the sentiment, Isaac told him that he had to wait. “It is customary to wait until your are between 16 and 18 before you are circumcised.” INSERT CRINGE HERE. Caleb is 11. BREATHE. KEEP BREATHING. In the immortal words of my father, “Holy crap!” I wouldn’t want to be circumcised at 11, and a certainly would make a special request to have it done! BTW, no pain killer, and no flinching. I’m definitely out. It took awhile for my facial expression to depart “discomfort,” and my breathing eventually returned to normal. Yowzer.
An hour later, Leah arrived and the stories continued. Most about the family and how they were. I showed them pictures of Andrea, Karen, Kevin and Katie, as well as the most recent shots of the foot of snow they got. “How can you survive?!” she said in amazement. Good question – I often wonder myself. It was another hour before the food arrived. They came in with what looked like an old coffee percolator, but it was used to wash your hands. It’s set on a stand and a small water bottle is placed on top. The bottle has two small holes in the cap and has been repurposed as a soap dispenser. You put some soap on your hands, rub them together, then open the spicket and rub your hands together under the warm water. I’m sorry that I’m taking these things for granted – I will try to do a better job of taking pictures. There is no towel to dry your hands, but it is imperative that you do. And by “you” I mean “I.” Water here is not our friend. One drop and you can set the timer for 1 hour before “the levy breaks.” The locals are all very much used to it, but the parasites/bacteria in the water wreaks havoc on our more delicate systems. I’ve seen it happen… just ask Kevin.
We had chicken, skumawiki (kale with onions and broth) and, of course, roasted potatoes. Which brings me to my next point. I love the way they talk here. It’s just as you’d expect – heavy British/African accents. “Potatoes” sounds more like, “Poh-tah-toes.” When I’m here, I fall into the accent almost immediately as it makes it easier for them to understand me. It takes me a bit longer to get used to the British jargon. I stood in front of a chambermaid and had to ask her to repeat herself three times before I finally understood. It doesn’t help that most Kenyans talk barely above a whisper. “Deed you get you-ah dust bean?” x 3. Wow did I feel foolish. Yes, I got the dustbin (trash bin). I’m a dope. Fortunately, they’re all used to it.
We finished dinner at around 9:30. Much of the conversation was about Isaac’s water consumption. Basically, he doesn’t, and he’s starting to show the effects. His doctor told him to stop eating red meat (not easy to do when the majority of your meals include goat). The joints in his hands are starting to feel uncomfortable, and he’s starting to get headaches. Leah said, “It’s not red meat,” shaking her head while she said it. “I get that way when I don’t drink enough water,” I said. That led to a long story about our family’s health and our water intake. Which led to a story about the color of your urine (which was met with amazement, not shock), which led to Isaac saying, “Is thaht why Andray-ah always asks eef you ah dreenkeeng wah-tah?” Yes, yes it is. We continued to laugh as we got in to his vehicle to head back to my room. I typed as long as I could last night, and am gald to have finished with yesterday’s story. I’t’s 9am and I’m waiting for Isaac to come pick me to head over to his parent’s home for a visit. We’ll see Vivian Mpetti later in the day – she’s the government official that was so helpful with the maternity construction. Well, you’re up to date! Let’s hope I can keep it that way.
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