It’s going to be difficult to top yesterday, but we’re going
to try.

lot this trip and the credit for that belongs to Karen and Sam.
No luck with the rhino, but we did see some new animals
today. The lions probably tops that
On our way back to the camp, we stopped in a Masai village. We
stopped outside the fence for them to show Sam and Sergio how they communicate between villages by blowing into an animal horn. We then entered the compound to see how they make fires. It wasn't working well, so we moved into one of the huts. Masai are traditionally tall, and I have no idea how they can live in those homes. They're made by the women, so the roofs are quite low. Couple that with the fact that entire hut could fit inside a small American kitchen, it makes for interesting setups. The reality is that they probably don't spend much time inside at all. Meals and sleeping... that's probably it. And trust me, if they're sleeping, it's in the total fetal position.
We went back outside to find them much closer to making fire. It was a success. Karen joked, "How
many Masai does it take to make a fire?" It was a fair question. The appropriately funny answer would have been, "It takes a village." There had to be at least a dozen men trying to create a spark by spinning a stick on a piece of wood, and they finally made it happen. We then moved into another area inside the fence. Not all compounds have this, but this one is well traveled by tourists so they have their own little Masai Mall. The women clucked with disapproval when we left empty handed. I didn't see any familiar faces from previous meetings for the maternity, but regardless, we had to get back for lunch before our meeting at the maternity. The sun was beating down on us without thought, and everyone had a nice sunburn working so seeking shade inside Isaac's vehicle was nice.
On our way back to the camp, we stopped in a Masai village. We

We went back outside to find them much closer to making fire. It was a success. Karen joked, "How
many Masai does it take to make a fire?" It was a fair question. The appropriately funny answer would have been, "It takes a village." There had to be at least a dozen men trying to create a spark by spinning a stick on a piece of wood, and they finally made it happen. We then moved into another area inside the fence. Not all compounds have this, but this one is well traveled by tourists so they have their own little Masai Mall. The women clucked with disapproval when we left empty handed. I didn't see any familiar faces from previous meetings for the maternity, but regardless, we had to get back for lunch before our meeting at the maternity. The sun was beating down on us without thought, and everyone had a nice sunburn working so seeking shade inside Isaac's vehicle was nice.
We got back to camp and had a light lunch before heading right back out.
The meeting was to start at 2, but it was probably closer to 3. We were the first to arrive, but when the builder showed up, it was time for a tour. When you’re standing in a room that is under construction, it looks rather small. I remember standing between unfinished walls staring up the sky thinking, “How is a midwife and pregnant mother going to fit in here?” Now that it’s finished, I can see it plain as day! When we stood in the delivery room, one of the men said, “A future president of Kenya will be born here.” “That would be wonderful!” I exclaimed. There were lots of thumbs up as we exited.
The meeting was to start at 2, but it was probably closer to 3. We were the first to arrive, but when the builder showed up, it was time for a tour. When you’re standing in a room that is under construction, it looks rather small. I remember standing between unfinished walls staring up the sky thinking, “How is a midwife and pregnant mother going to fit in here?” Now that it’s finished, I can see it plain as day! When we stood in the delivery room, one of the men said, “A future president of Kenya will be born here.” “That would be wonderful!” I exclaimed. There were lots of thumbs up as we exited.
approached. Andrea was the most recognizable of the group. They’d say “Nalatuesha” through wide smiles as they walked toward her with arms wide open. For those of you that need a refresher, Nah-lah-too-ay-shah means “rain bringer.” During that trip, they rain arrived the same time we did. There were familiar faces and unfamiliar ones, reminding me that this maternity serves a large area… I imagine that we’ll never see all of the women this maternity will serve, and I think that’s wonderful! I wonder if we’ll even meet all of the midwives! As you would expect, the men arrived and came to me first. I don’t know if they remember the name that they gave me (Lamangan = lah-mahn-yhan=blessed), but a smile works just as well. They laughed quietly as they embraced me. The laughter wasn’t so quiet when they saw Karen, but you’d expect that, too.
Some of the younger men began organizing benches for the ladies to sit on. The men sat in resin chairs facing them. The area chief spoke first, followed by the local chief (the village elder). The area chief translated for us. Next came the chairman of the maternity board, then Haret (the builder), then Isaac. I was up next.

Andrea spoke next, and although it was brief, it was
powerful. Masai are predominantly
Christians, many are Catholic. She
suggested we take a moment to thank our maker who brought us all together. I do believe that the Holy Spirit guides us from
project to project, and this one was no exception. She then said, “Let us pray the Lord’s prayer
together.” That’s exactly what we
did. With all heads bowed down, she
began with “Our Father…” What followed
was the Lord’s prayer said in three different languages. It was simply beautiful. Even though we each spoke it in our own
tongue, we concluded at virtually the same time. The following silence was broken by birds
chirping, goats, and cowbells.
Karen spoke next, as only Karen can. She bounded up to the front of the group,
through her hands in the air and yelled “Hello!” Everyone smiled and clapped… including the
village elder who doesn’t speak a lick of English. Karen can have that effect on people – it’s
why she’s going to be a great teacher.
She thanked everyone for taking time out of their day to attend and then
introduced Sam. Sam, who shyly
approached the front of the crowd to greet everyone. It was time for her to get a Masai name. Naserian.
Nah-she-ree-ahn… accent on the “ree.”
As she returned to her seat, we were informed this means
“blessings.” Karen heard enough. “Wait a second!” she shouted. “I’ve been here
before and I get ‘third born’ and this chick shows up and gets
‘blessings’? Laughter erupted! It was hilarious. I thought the area chief was going to wet his
pants. Again, no translation was needed
– if it was coming out of her mouth, it was probably funny. They should have named her “laughter.” When the laughter finally broke, the chief
clarified that the her name (namgak = nahm-nyak) means “good luck.” “Oh, okay,” she said, “You can proceed.” Again, laughter.

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