It’s 11:49pm and I’m wide-awake
because there is a pack of dogs howling outside my window. I’m sure I’ll get tired eventually because
today was a very busy day. So much stuff
happened that I’m completely confident that I won’t even remember everything from
the last 18 hours. Well, here goes…
Breakfast was at 8am, and we
were planning to leave by 8:30. My eyes
were opened by 5am, but I wasn’t coherent enough to think about grabbing my
computer and typing Friday’s events.
Instead, I tossed and turned until about 6 when I decided to get into
the shower. I flipped the switch for the
heater on the showerhead and 2 seconds later, “click.” The power went out. “That figures,” I said to myself. It was a reminder of my time with Jim
(Nowak). He used to say that we were
getting spoiled when we got too used to having electricity and water. When they weren’t available, we would groan,
but in most cases it was no different than the people were serve. At this point in the trip, I had definitely
become spoiled.
I asked for a basin of hot
water that arrived at my door within 5 minutes.
I had to jog my memory to make sure that I used the water as efficiently
as possible. It’s been quite some time
since I’ve had to clean up with one of the plastic basins. I was glad that my recollection was
accurate. Without getting into the
details, I’ll proudly say that I had about of quart of water left when I was
I had packed all of my
things the night before, knowing that after our trip to the Masai Market, the packing
may have been a wasted effort. Depending
on how much I purchased, I would need to unpack my clothing and carefully wrap
the breakable to keep them safe for the trip back to the states. I thought it would make it easier to just
insert the items… it wasn’t.
The Masai Market looks like
it always does - wooden shops side by side for 100 yards on both sides of the
road. As soon as you exit your car,
everyone’s your friend. “Hallow my
friend, come see my shop!” “Eet eez free
to look.” Fortunately, I’m familiar with
most of the shop owners so I know who to avoid.
John and I both walked down the small hill next to the road and Beatrice
was the first to come greet us. She’s moved
from a prime location to a much smaller one.
Sadly, the quality of her merchandise has gone down, too. After walking by a few of the shops, you get
a sense that everyone’s got the same items.
For the most part, that’s true. I
can spot the new pieces pretty quickly… I’m not sure what that says about
me. John walked into a shop, and I
followed with Job close behind. It took
all of 30 seconds for me to realize that John can handle himself. It can be a bit imposing sometimes and people
are usually grateful for the help. The
shops are usually close to 6 feet wide; some are even smaller. There’s one aisle in and it’s the same aisle
to exit. One inside, the shop owner
follows you and pretty much boxes you in.
Once he’s got his prey trapped, he begins handing you things asking if
you like it, “I give you good price bruthah!” Usually, the price start with a 100% markup,
and I enjoy bartering. I’ve been going
there for 10 years, and I still barter with same people over the same items,
and we almost always have a laugh while we’re doing it. Job tried to bounce back and forth between
the two of us to keep us on schedule. No
such luck, and it was my fault. Soapstone and rosewood are the materials of
choice here, and I can’t wait to show of the goods when I get home. I also want to see what John had
purchased. I only really saw him
purchase one item, and I got one too, so I won’t ruin the surprise for either
of our wives. We filled our backpacks,
and filled some additional plastic bags, and loaded everything in the car. We were 1 hour behind, and lunch would be the
victim. One last story before I leave
the market portion of this day’s events.
John bought something from a woman that was 50 KSH. She said she didn’t have change and went to
another shop only to return saying the same thing. Ultimately, the woman returned and asked John
if he had a hundred. She explained that
if she gave him the 100 ksh note, we’d be able to settle up the difference. John said, “Yes,” and handed over the
bill. Then, the woman said, “here’s your
change,” and handed him a 50ksh note.
John left, got into the car and said, “I think I just got taken for
$20. He did. The woman made of with 50KSH of his money.
We headed back to Maseno and
headed to see Mercelyne and her mother, Mama Rembo. Mercelyne was a girl we sponsored through
secondary school. She’s one of our big
success stories, currently enrolled in Nairobi University on a full
scholarship. She’s a very bright girl
whom we’ve seen grow from a shy, meek little girl to a strong, confident young
woman. Her mother is a wonderful lady
who worked tirelessly to put her children through secondary school (high
school), a luxury she never had an the opportunity to take advantage of. They live very humbly in the US equivalent of
a very small one room studio apartment.
It’s about 10’ x 15’ with a sheet strung across the ceiling to make it
appear as if there were two rooms. John enjoyed their very much. Mama Rembo is always very animated and happy
to see us; and she loves visitors. She’s
recovering from a car accident, but doing very well. She sent Mercelyne for some sodas, despite
John’s gracious decline. “You cannot be
a veeseetah and not take sahmtheeng.”
Karibu Kenya. While we waited for
Mercelyne to return, Rembo began recounting her story of how we came to know of
her daughter, and how her prayers were answered. It’s a story that she clearly loves to
tell. Mercelyne came back halfway
through and sat next to me. I leaned over
and said, “How many times have you heard this story?” She smiled wide and whispered, “A lawt.” The
sodas went down quickly and off we went, but not before Rembo presented me with
a gift. She had purchased a dress for
Ann and a shirt of the same material for me.
I immediately put it on which made them very happy. I kept it on for the rest of the visit. We brought some things for them, too and they
were both very pleased with their gifts.
Rembo showered us with blessings as we departed.
Next on the agenda was the
clinic at Mbaka Oromo. It’s a short ride
from Mercelyne’s home. I’m disappointed
that we didn’t get a chance to walk to the school. I think John would have really enjoyed
it. People come out to say hello whether
they know you or not. There’s usually a
few children that are terrified of you, but most of them just yell from
wherever they are when they see us, “Mzungu!” “White man!” He’ll still get a taste of it as we walk
around the compound. John Ogugo and Dan
Otieno were sitting on the clinic stairs when we arrived. They bright white smiles were good to see as
we embraced after a strong handshake. John was also greeted with smiles and
Kenyan hugs. We said our goodbyes in
front of the clinic knowing that they were already anxious to have us
return. They asked about each of our
children by name, as well as Andrea, then asked John about his family and why
they weren’t there.

They wanted us to see the
clinic almost immediately. They’re very
proud of the work that they’ve been doing in keeping up with the facility. We started with the pharmacy, which was
John’s favorite. They made shelving for
the storage closet and the shelves were packed with drugs. It looks like the government is finally
stepping up their game. John stayed and
looked through the items inquiring about some, recognizing others. He suggested that some of them be kept
refrigerated to extend their shelf life.
He ended up staying in the pharmacy with the woman in charge while we
continued the tour. He caught up to us
about 3 rooms later. This was the check
in room. They showed me where they
replaced tiling and floorboards as well as repairing the maternity
shower/bathroom and finishing the ceiling boards. They’re really keeping up with things, and
that’s good to see. We entered the
check-in area where there was an adult scale (in kilos, of course). I think John Ogugo stepped on it first,
followed by me, then John, then Dan.
When John got on the scale, John Ogugo yelled, “You only have one foot
on!” The Johns laughed as both feet were
placed on the scale. John Ogugo then put
his hand on John’s shoulder which elicited a “Hey, he’s pushing down to add
weight!” It was quite a comical
exchange. We laughed as we entered the
last room. In case anyone was curious, I
was not the heaviest.
The next room was being used
by a team from another NGO named Ampath.
They specialize in AIDS prevention and care. A team had been sent there to work within the
community, and they were already well established. They were holding classes and screening
patients in the hopes of one day eradicating the disease. Before we left, John Ogugo asked to take a
picture of the “three Johns,” and I obliged.
When finished, we walked
back outside and the doctor gave John a tour of the house. Thes couldn’t be done until the three John’s
got together for a picture: John Osler, John Angugo, and Dr. John. It was a great idea and great picture. While John was in the house, Mannasse was
showing me the work he was doing on the compound. He planted two umbrella trees; one more me,
one for Ann and is currently studying for university exams next week. He’s excited about them and we’re all pretty
confident that

We crossed the new bridge
over to the secondary school where we looked at the new construction going
on. It’s not work that we’re responsible
for, though, as we built the classrooms and the latrines. The government is building the lab because of
the success of the school. John was
interested because of his pharmaceutical background. We then headed back to the car. John got there before us because we walked
over to Sam’s house to say hello to his sons Ben and Alex. They were the only two around, so we didn’t
stay for long. They are both doing

Before we saw them, though, we went to see Susan and Emmah. Their grandmother Esther greet us as we entered their compound. Small children seemed to emerge like the occupants of a clown car at the circus - they just coming and coming and coming. We were introduced to all of them one at a time, and their corresponding parent/parents. The children were lined up along the perimeter of the room with Esther sitting across from me. Emmah and Susan were to my left. Andrea had supplied me with a couple of bags full of items for both of them. Danton wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of not getting gifts, but such is the problem when you bring gifts for someone. Once you get it once, you should always get it. I'm not sure if it's flawed thinking because of the culture or perhaps his age, but regardless, the result was Danton being disgruntled. The girls on the other hand, were quite happy with their gifts. I'm sure they'll be wearing the dresses and shoes the next time I see them.
As we approached the gate to
the clinic, John was standing there waiting for us. He insisted that we visit the church before
we leave, and we more than agreeable.
John’s faith is very important to him, and he knows that mine is,
too. There are certainly differences
between our faiths, but there are many more similarities. We stepped inside and he said a prayer
referencing the Mark’s Gospel. We stayed
talking a bit before moving on. We
headed back to the Peacock, hungry, thirsty, and exhausted. We took a little time to pack the objects we
purchased at the Masai Market, then got back in the car to drive to Kisumu
Airport for our flight to Nairobi. While
we were there, I purchased a ticket for Job to fly from Kisumu to Nairobi on
Tuesday. The cat’s out of the bag now,
so I can tell you.
Job is flying back to the
states with us! He’s understandably
excited, and we are as well. Originally
we were going to surprise Karen, but it was just too difficult to coordinate
everything. He’s flying back to JFK with
John and I, then he’ll be coming with me to Bonita Springs, where Andrea and
Karen will pick us up. He’ll spend two
weeks with us there before we all head back to the cold. He’s more nervous about that… snow is foreign
to him, but not for long.
On our way back to the
Peacock, we saw Joyce, a dear friend of Andrea’s. I had the driver stop the car so I could get
out and greet her. We were both very
thankful for the brief visit in the middle of the road. She is a special lady
and Andrea will be glad our paths crossed.
We left Kisumu and arrived
safely in Nairobi where we were picked up by Onesman (pronounced Oh-nes-mahn),
a friend/colleague of Isaac’s. He drove
us to the Royale Hotel in Karen, a beautiful and affluent suburb of
Nairobi. We’re much closer to Wilson
Regional Airport, so we’ll get to sleep a little longer tomorrow. Sleeping on this trip has been extremely
difficult for some reason, so I’m always greatful for a little extra
We had to rearrange our bags
so that would only have small bags to bring to the mara. The planes are tiny and can’t accommodate too
much weight, but we’d do that after some dinner. After checking into our rooms, we headed for
the restaurant where Kevin and I ate the last time we were here. We had barbecued goat, chips and Tuskers. The beer came quickly; the goat and fries did
not. We sat chatting while we waited,
rehashing the last several day’s events.
The place wasn’t very crowded; there were 5 people sitting at the bar
watching soccer, and a girl in the corner playing music. She played traditional Kenyan music (she was
a DJ, not a musician) that was probably a few decibels above where I would have
liked it to be, but the sound had to make it outside, too. It was poorly lit like most restaurants here,
but it didn’t bother us at all. We
laughed a lot! The food came about an
hour later (karibu Kenya) and it was delicious.
The conversation came to a screeching halt because we were too busy
chewing. It was a lot of food, but it didn’t stand a
chance. They also brought us this
tomato/onion dish that was fabulous.
That was one of the first casualties sitting on the table in front of
We left the restaurant with
our bellies full and our eyes starting to close. When I was ready to retire, these dogs started
barking outside my window – they were the same dogs I referenced earlier. It
sounded like a huge pack that was literally right below my windowsill. In all actuality, they were probably in the
next home’s courtyard. Regardless, it
was crazy loud and went on for an hour.
Eventually I fell asleep. We were
having breakfast at 7:30 and leaving at 8 for our flight to Keekorok.
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